Tuesday, August 22, 2006

To make a Papier-mache monster...

They are back at school. Hooray! Even my youngest - and may I add last- started school yesterday (the last time my youngest started I found out I was pregnant). This means I have time to write my blog... I mean do house-wifey type things. My oldest came home from school and asked what happened to my big plans to become mother/housewife extraordinaire now that there are no pre-schoolers. Well I'll get to it.
During the Summer hols on a rainy day (I live in Scotland) my youngest finds a monster in his comic. So I decide to do the perfect mum bit and make it with him. Ten minutes later he decides that he has had enough and leaves me to it (like he did with the snowman. igloo, sandcastle etc.) Top tip - abandon sticking little bits of paper on the balloon. Pour glue onto a large sheet of newspaper and wrap round said balloon in one. Ta da! Job Done! Then spend the rest of the time doing what you want to do. Well in theory that's what you do. What actually happened was; I felt guilt ridden for sitting down for more than 5 minutes, so I took the kids to the park, came home and polished and vacuumed (sort of - I'm not house wife extraordinaire yet), then thought about what to make for dinner!
To be honest I do the bare minimum that I can get away with on the housework front. If I see the ironing board up when I come downstairs in the morning, then (oops) hubby has run out of shirts. Time to do a bit of ironing (yuk!) My son has just come in and told me that I need to get him some 'cool' shorts for P.E. Right son, I'll get right on it!
Pristine house/children/hubby just isn't me. What is the point in forcing yourself to be what other people think you should be? or even just pretend to be for show. I'm saying that - but I still run round flinging things in drawers if someone shows up unexpectedly!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My First Words...

Ahh... Life can deal you a bum hand sometimes, but in my case life has dealt me a Royal Flush (Apparently this is very good) I have a caring family, friends.... a decent work ethic and screaming kids!! But I have mastered the art of deafness. I reckon that I can read a good book next to a cement mixer. Having children has allowed me to learn the art of selective hearing coupled with the ability to carry on regardless.... yes, and breathe. Not a blonde hair in sight... unless of course I choose differently.