Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stop Press! I am blogging and I am actually happy!

Life is going well (touch wood). No moans or groans from me! What's up with me - ha ha. However looking at my first post I should be careful what I boast. It's interesting to look back at that unsuspecting (slightly smug) me of Summer 2006.

The sad bit - my wee brother lost his battle with alcohol and died in September last year. A whole host of emotions for all of the family, however we are doing okay. My parents are doing what wee old couples are supposed to do rather than worrying about getting phone calls from the police or hospital. We have all resumed our relationships with each other - and can get together to enjoy ourselves.

Hubby works hard, but we enjoy the time we have together and have a lot more freedom to have fun and go on holidays. The boys are all doing what they love - Footballer, Acting course at college and ... well the wee fella is in High School but he seems happy enough. And me ... late forties suit me well. A happy size 14 and acutally enjoying the gym (famous last words).