Thursday, April 12, 2007

The great outdoors...

We bought a tent! Older brother was going on about a bargain at Halfords, where you get all the air beds, sleeping bags (and quite importantly the tent). So looks like we will be going camping soon. I hope all the Global warming predictions are true! Childhood memories of rivers bursting banks and creeping up to our groundsheet as caravaners give up and go home keep flashing into my mind. Derek says we should give it a test run at the island on Loch Lomond. My problem with this is of course the lack of facilities. I'm not just talking about lack of shops, restaurants etc but the lack of toilets, running water or electricity of any description. Any way probably won't happen in the May holidays as he is heading down to Kwirkle world for a weekend of men stuff. I'm not going into this with the right attitude am I? Think positive - the great outdoors, starry skies with no light pollution, children free to run themselves into the ground, bbq's & carry outs, (midgy's - how did they get into my positive frame of mind?).... Well we'll see.

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