Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Where have I been?

I think I'm ready to admit that I have a secret Blog. Well that's maybe a bit cryptic, I have a journal that I have only given my coordinator the details of. Who is my coordinator? He's the minister that C of S has appointed to me to help me discern how I can best serve God. The only thing is I'm eight weeks into it and I feel that I'm going round in circles a bit. C of S are asking if I'm ready to move to the next stage of assessment, which clearly I'm not. However some avenues have opened up, I'm just not quite there yet. One thing is for sure, I'll not be returning to where I was before. In fact I can't because I'm a different person now, not better or worse just different.

The whole thing about life and death and Elaine and why we are so shocked when death happens has got a lot to do with it. I think that it will never get me like that again (maybe ... until the next time). But I'm not going to stand still and wait for it. I'm going to try to serve my purpose, which has got a lot do with sharing the hope that I have with others.

It's not just about getting up, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, watching T.V and going to bed. That's as much as I have worked out so far, so you see I still have a long way to go. I'm kidding, but if you want any more you'll need to find my secret Blog.

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