Thursday, May 31, 2007

Help I need somebody...

...Not just anybody, I need Elaine badly. I had a bit of a rant at my brother's 30th birthday bash at the weekend. Bad timing, I know, but it has been bottled up inside for too long and the lid was lifted by the one or two or three or four drinks. I unleashed my totally selfish, self pitying wails of despair. I've no one to share my inner most feelings with, no one to just be myself with, no one to bounce my thoughts off and be told you're talking crap W. I'm not coping, I know this and bury it deep inside because the only person I would trust & share this level of grief with is gone. How ironic! The knowledge that I'll never be able to sit and talk with her again until I depart this world is just too much. O.K. some people never have this closeness with anybody and I'm grateful of the life that I shared with her, right from birth, we have been so close. But now it's been wrenched from me I just can't handle it. Yes I know that we will meet again, another big advantage that I have... It's not helping me here & now though. Sometimes the 'nicey, niceness' of other Christians can just annoy me too, but I'll cling on to my faith by my fingernails, I am only human and get pissed off just like anybody else. Rant over!


kwirkle said...

Forget the self pity stuff. I'm sure folks would love to hear more about the wailing. A truly appalling rendition of "We can't go on together, with suspicious minds".
I saw at least one jaw drop with disbelief and then she looked around to see who else was shocked. When no-one else appeared that moved, her expression changed to one of smiley stuff, same as everyone elses. Take heart in this... you are surrounded with support, the fact that you choose to stagger and not take a rest and a lean on someone...
Love ya

Wicked Wascally said...

Yes it isn't my most attractive quality. Still staggering around in need of a new leaning post. Just shows I relied on her far too much.
But, "it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to!"

kwirkle said...

"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to"
It's just song after song with you lately...